English 8, Control Technology 8, Production Technology 9 and Theatre Arts 8 & 9.

ELF movie script (2003) ver2.pdf ELF movie script (2003) ver2.pdf
Size : 222.675 Kb
Type : pdf
its-a-wonderful-life-1946.pdf its-a-wonderful-life-1946.pdf
Size : 189.374 Kb
Type : pdf


Parents and students can visit this page to keep up with all the due dates and requirements for the courses taught by Mr. Davis.

Below, you will find the Syllabus (course description, timelines and due dates) for all Mr. Davis courses.  The links on the right go to those separate web pages:


English 8 SYLLABUS   (ELA 8 PAGE)

English 9 SYLLABUS (ELA 9 Page)

Theatre 7 & 8 SYLLABUS    ( Theatre Arts PAGE )

Communications 7 SYLLABUS  (Communications 7 PAGE)

Control 8 SYLLABUS (Control 8 PAGE)

Production Technology 8 SYLLABUS (Production 8 PAGE)

Media 8 SYLLABUS (Media 8 PAGE)

Energy and Power 9 SYLLABUS (Energy 9 PAGE)

Google Class Codes:

ELA 8-1  yvx5fuz

ELA 8-2   t2mdeee

ELA 9-2   x75g6ls

ELA 9-3    qlpb2bs

Home Economics (DAY 3)  hcipwk4

Home Economics (DAY 5)  h32vm46


Feel free to contact Mr. Davis at the school (709)635-2196 or by e-mail: Mr. Davis

26 Wight's Road, Deer Lake, Newfoundland & Labrador A8A 2K7 (709)635-2196

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